We are really excited to cheer you all in at Newark Castle on the 26th April. Due to the nature of the waterway, locks and the logistics to get your boards back to Nottingham this event is for ISUPS only.
You have the option to take part in R2TC as part of the adventure or the race fleet. Every board length is recognised and celebrated. If you want to have more time on the water, enter the adventure category. If you want to test your skills, stamina and strategy enter the applicable race category for your board length.
Same route, same date and we all party together.
Every finisher is awarded their Race To The Castle Medal to wear with pride and the Top 3 fastest times Female and Male in all categories will be crowned The 2025 Kings or Queens of the river.
Junior Female* Adventure Category - Any ISUP
Junior Male* Adventure Category - Any ISUP
Female Adventure Category - Any ISUP
Male Adventure Category - Any ISUP
* All Junior paddlers aged (16 - 18) must have their legal guardian out on the water and paddle alongside and have entered the adventure category.
Junior Female* Race - Any ISUP
Junior Male * Race - Any ISUP
Female Race - Under 12.5 ISUP
Male Race - Under 12.5 ISUP
Female Race - 12.6 to 13.11 ISUP
Male Race - 12.6 to 13.11 ISUP
Female Race - 14ft ISUP
Male Race - 14ft ISUP
Female Race - Unlimited ISUP
Male Race - Unlimited ISUP
Race Tandems - ISUP

Meet and Greet, pre registration will be open Friday 25th April 5pm - 9pm at Welbeck Hall.
Registration and Tracker collection from 530am by category wave on Saturday 26th at Welbeck Hall
Paddlers will start in waves outlined below. The wave start times help ease congestion at the start, waterway and at the 5 locks along the route.
For all waves the start sequence will be a 5 minute warning, 1 minute warning, 30 second warning and 10 second countdown. You will hear a loud whistle and then it will be verbally communicated. “Whistle blow….. 5 minute warning”
Please note: Start sequence, cut offs, timings may change depending on local weather conditions and down river flow rate.
Wave 1: 7am
Adventure Category & All Junior Paddlers
7am: Event Start
10:45am: Cut off for Check Point 1 at Gunthorpe (16.7km)
12:30pm: Cut off for Check Point 2 at Hazleford (24.3km)
4pm: Race cut off at Newark Castle (40km)
Wave 2: 7:30am
Race Under 12’6 ISUP
7:30am: Event Start
10:45am: Cut off for Check Point 1 at Gunthorpe (16.7km)
12:30pm: Cut off for Check Point 2 at Hazleford (24.3km)
4pm: Race cut off at Newark Castle (40km)
Wave 3: 8am
Race 12’6 - 13’11 ISUP
8am: Event Start
10:45am: Cut off for Check Point 1 at Gunthorpe (16.7km)
12:30pm: Cut off for Check Point 2 at Hazleford (24.3km)
4pm: Race cut off at Newark Castle (40km)
Wave 4: 9am
Race 14ft ISUP & Tandems
9am: Event Start
11:15am: Cut off for Check Point 1 at Gunthorpe (16.7km)
12:45pm: Cut off for Check Point 2 at Hazleford (24.3km)
4pm: Race cut off at Newark Castle (40km)

Breaks, CheckPoints & Cut Offs
For the safety of all participants there will be a mandatory 10min break for all paddlers at Gunthorpe Lock. You’ll arrive at this checkpoint/cut off point and then your 10min will begin once through the gate. Here, our team of volunteers and first aid support will welfare check, hug, high 5 and get you ready for your next stage. You can of course have a longer break, but you need to manage your timings to meet the next cut off check point.
There are 2 timed cut off points along the route. Gunthorpe & Hazleford. You will be able to work out your event strategy and what speed you need to paddle at to meet the cut off times for your catogory. Remember this is a downriver event, there may be flow and assistance from the river. The week before the event, we will make any necessary time adjustments to reflect the weather conditions on the day.
These cut off points designed to keep you paddling at a pace and to ensure everyone participating has the skills, stamina and strength to complete the event. For your safety and wellbeing if you are unable to meet the required cut off times you will be asked to retire from the event, return your bib and disable your tracker. An event official will be here to help facilitate exit for all paddlers who have not met this cut off. If you are concerned about not making these cut-offs please have your own transportation organised. The race will not provide shuttles from this point.
Our safety team has the full authority to revoke the option to continue paddling past the checkpoints, and they can insist that a paddler retires from the event if they deem the paddler unfit to continue. Please accept this with grace. These cut-off times are for your safety. This may be due to extreme fatigue, poor nutrition, injury etc. If the paddler does not appear coherent/appears confused/losing coordination/motor skills/etc

Does the river have flow? What's the wind usually like?
The river has flow. It can be as steady as pushing you along at rest, at 1.5kmph and as faaaast as 4kmph.
What's the wind usually like?
The prevailing wind is usually behind you. The river does meander, so you may get a bit of side wind along the route. Who was there in 2024? That year we had a head wind the entire way.
How does this impact cut off times?
Leading up to event day we continuously asses the weather and the impact this may have on all paddlers. If we feel we need to add on time, adjust start times, for no flow or head wind we will (we did in ‘24 and everyone made the cutoffs) We will also let you know what weather to expect along the route.
I don't know which category to enter?
If you want to have the most available time enter the adventure category and if you want to test your skills, stamina and strategy enter the applicable race category for your board length. Everyone gets their finishing medal and the top 3 fastest in each category will be crowned kings and queens of the river. You can work out the required paddling speed at calculator soup Please see the allocated timings for each category.
Adventure: 9hrs to get to the castle
All Juniors and Race Below 12.6: 8.5hrs to get to the castle
Race 12’6 - 13’11: 8hrs to get to the castle
Race 14ft and tandems: 7hrs to to get to the castle
How do I work out my paddling pace with the portages and mandatory stop. I'm getting confused?
1. The 40km includes all portage distance. We have measured the route from the start to the finish. We have included the additional “portage time” along the route for the cut off times.
2. In our plans we have estimated 1hr in portage times and your mandatory 10 min break. You can of course "make time" by having an efficient, fast, slick portage or you can take longer depending on your strategy. Remember no running with boards is permitted at the portage.
3. Work out your category allocated time, minus off our estimated portage time and your 10min break. This give you your paddling time. Then use calculator soup to work out your pace (without flow)
EG Adventure 9hr allowed - 1hr 10min = 7hr 50min = 5.7kmph of paddling pace
4. "forget" about the river flow and see that as a bonus on the day. Train to the paddling paced above.
5. Then get excited about the potential flow rate and recalculate and recalculate (who knew you’d need your old GSCE maths so much for a paddling event)
6. You start to get carried away on a "slow flow" I only need…. on a ”fast flow” with tail wind I’ll be there before lunch. AHHHHHH checks the weather report 10 times a day on that final week.
The most important thing for us is for you to enjoy the day, enjoy the lead up, the party and celebrate in your achievements. We have to have these plans in place as our big boss said so. So we can get organised, and get the bananas in the right place at the right time. Don't let the timings scare you.
We want to see you all at the castle. WE WILL SEE YOU ALL AT THE CASTLE